A very common error when adding an addon or parked domain via cpanel. Unfortunately, the error they see is usually very generic and doesn’t provide any information Error from park wrapper: Sorry, you do not control the domain. This is usually due to the domain name existing anywhere in the cPanel configuration and checking these locations/steps out should help you find the domain that is lurking somewhere and causing the issues.
1) First find the owner of the domain, enter the following command:
If it does, you would need to remove this prior to adding their new addon domain. If it does not, continue on
2) Remove the zone file from the server by running the following command:
3) Check Cpanel files for traces of the problem domain name
you must get output like this below
Edit the following files with the corresponding user and remove the lines associated with the domain (example.com) you have problem with.
Remove the virtualhost for example.com from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/var/cpanel/users/username [remove entries related to domain]
4) Rebuild the user domains database
5) Rebuild the Apache configuration and make sure apache is running with all traces of the bad domain removed.
That's it :D
Fix Error When You Moving Some Domain On cPanel
1) First find the owner of the domain, enter the following command:
/scripts/whoowns example.com
If it does, you would need to remove this prior to adding their new addon domain. If it does not, continue on
2) Remove the zone file from the server by running the following command:
/scripts/killdns example.com
3) Check Cpanel files for traces of the problem domain name
grep example.com /var/cpanel/users/*
grep -R example.com /var/cpanel/userdata/*
you must get output like this below
Edit the following files with the corresponding user and remove the lines associated with the domain (example.com) you have problem with.
Remove the virtualhost for example.com from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/var/cpanel/users/username [remove entries related to domain]
4) Rebuild the user domains database
5) Rebuild the Apache configuration and make sure apache is running with all traces of the bad domain removed.
service httpd restart
That's it :D