How To Install CloudLinux From CentOS

What Is CloudLinux?  

CloudLinux is a hosting-oriented Linux distributive based on CentOS. It uses LVE (Lightweight virtual environment) kernel technology that is similar to OpenVZ in some aspects or other OS-based virtualization technologies.

In a typical server environment, there are no hard limits in place for each user. There are of course things you can limit (PHP memory use, cron job execution, disk space, bandwidth, etc), but those aren’t the things users do that will hit you where it hurts. The majority of resource problems stem from CPU use, or disk IO, bad MySQL queries, and other runaway scripts. Before Cloud Linux, it was always a game of cat and mouse. We had to have our sysadmins get notified of the issue, login to the machine, locate the user and suspend whatever activity they were doing which was causing the problems. Pretty lame, right? We thought so too. Cloud Linux changes the game, not only for the end user like yourself but for us.

How To Install CloudLinux From CentOS

this best practice to install CloudLinux for CentOS 6/7 and WHM cPanel

follow this step if you have the activation code

# wget
# sh cldeploy -k 
# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp --force
# reboot

follow this step if you have IP based license

# wget
# sh cldeploy -i
# /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/upcp --force
# reboot

After reboot you need to build CageFS and enable it

yum install cagefs
/usr/sbin/cagefsctl --init
cagefsctl --enable-all
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